Before Experience

Market research (BX) is a crucial activity for companies and organizations aiming to better understand their operating environment, know their customers and competitors, and make strategic decisions.

It involves the collection, analysis, and interpretation of relevant market data.

Product Research

Concept Testing 

Price Research 

Product Name

Brand Research

Brand Positioning

Brand Awareness

Brand Health

Create Amazing Experiences

Get to know the consumption habits and opinions of thousands of people throughout Brazil through brand, product, concept, and design research. Using our database, respondents are selected according to project specifications, with online and real-time data.


Goal Definition

Before initiating any market research, it is essential to clearly define the objectives. You need to know what you are looking to discover or achieve with the research. This may include understanding customer needs, assessing the feasibility of a new product or service, identifying market opportunities, etc.


Data Collection and Analysis

At Inovyo, we use an online approach with an innovative research platform, leveraging over 2 million people nationwide to test products, brands, and ideas.

We collect and analyze data using statistical techniques and employ an AI platform for data processing. Additionally, we create a fully customized dashboard to facilitate understanding of the results.


Interpretation for Strategic Decisions

After analyzing the data, interpreting the results and drawing conclusions is crucial, identifying trends and patterns useful for business decisions.

Results are compiled into reports and dashboards on our platform and shared with management. Market research provides valuable insights that influence marketing strategy, product development, market segmentation, and pricing decisions.
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    Inovyo Survey Club

    We’ve created a research club.

    We have thousands of engaged individuals ready to answer your questions, test your products, your brands, and your ideas quickly, reliably, and in sync with you.


    Inovyo is a company specialized in Experience Management, helping organizations create amazing experiences for customers and employees through powerful and integrated solutions.

    Our main services include Employee Experience, Customer Experience, Before Experience, After Experience, Social Listening, Satisfaction Surveys, Market Research, Custom Dashboards, and Artificial Intelligence technologies.

    We use AI technologies to enhance data analysis, identify patterns and trends, and improve behavior prediction and strategy optimization.

    Our website is protected by reCAPTCHA, and we adhere to Google’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. We use cookies to enhance browsing experience and comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (LGPD).


    Swiss Park Office
    Bloco Santis
    Av. Antônio Artioli, 570, sl 120 13049-253 • Campinas/SP

    São Paulo

    Cidade Jd. Corporate Center
    Capital Building
    Av. Magalhães de Castro, 4800, Torre 1, Cj. 16205676-120 • São Paulo/SP


    +55 11 98831-6227
    +55 19 3278-4490

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